Gong & Breath Camp, Bielsko-Biala / Poland

Annual Meeting Gong Players & Breath Workers
8 – 11.06.23 Akama Macrobiotic Center, Bielitz, Poland
with Slawomir Sówka & Dariusz Małojło
for everyone who participated in Slawomir’s Gong Training
or instructor’s courses with Dariusz
Working with breath, sound and energies we do not compromise, we work in accordance with the inner truth! One of the advanced skills of a facilitator is to build up the energy field (vibration, not only the technical skills) and the clarity whether the session ends in energetic purity. In this way, we are sure that the process is also completed on the energetic level. Energetic purity makes processing more subtle
⮚ Gongs and breathwork from the “top shelf”
⮚ You will learn how to facilitate meditations with the lightbody combining them with a gong bath
⮚ You will experience deep breathwork in a group and in pairs
⮚ You will get to know basic breathing techniques to support group work
⮚ You will learn to facilitate breathing meditation on your own
⮚ Elements of intuition training
⮚ A magical trip to a power spot in the mountains
⮚ Energetical self-care ( cleansing, protection, keeping the space clean and safe )
⮚ You will learn to create and ensure energy purity within yourself and the group
⮚ You will receive materials that will help you in your work
Combine breath, light and sound!
In this meeting, we combine breath, sound and light to create a space where we find peace of mind, experience pure consciousness and at the same time deepen the skills you learned with Slawomir and Dariusz. The combination of these elements is natural and effective.
In this space you can release everything that that doesn’t belong to you. Emotionally, mentally, energetically. Through breath, sound and light ( visualizations connecting with the true self ) we can experience pure consciousness.
How do you ensure that a process, yours or someone else’s, ends in a natural and subtle way? Develop sound healing & breathwork skills and learn how to create energetical purity at the end of each session!
Perfect your gong baths by working with your True Self
The experience of pure consciousness through gongs, which is based on contact with the true Self, your true nature, can radiate its effects even for weeks. If you combine breath, sound and light, your sound healing sessions are likely to have even more long-lasting effects.
In tthe Gong & Breath Camp you will learn how to facilitate meditations with the lightbody. You can use them to further build up the energy field during your sound baths and breathing sessions.
In the state of turiya (neutrality, pure consciousness), the player is pervaded by holistic power. This state, allows access to incomparably greater healing powers and activates the player’s practical intuition.
Using newly acquired skills, you can cleanse your chakras and subtle bodies, you can help your loved ones, clients and even surprise yourself ☺
Realize your potentials and resources through breathwork – Dariusz
How we breathe is directly related to our physical, emotional and mental state. If you are aware of this process, you can have a deep impact on yourself and the people you work with.
During our meeting you will learn the techniques of breathwork according to the 5 DMCO phases (beautiful breathing ceremony created by Dariusz) approach. You will learn how to lead a breathing meditation that you can use in your practice, sessions, concerts and gong baths.
You will learn somatic and breathing techniques that allow you to build a safe space for the teacher and participants. Conscious breath will stay in your space more permanently.
Create energy purity under all circumstances – Slawomir
We will share our experiences on how not to take over the emotions and energy of others. We will provide exercises that will help you travel consciously on the astral plane, which we usually do unconsciously. With practice and advancement, astral consciousness gradually arises, and over time you can consciously differentiate the energies, entities and planes. This also includes working with your own fears of destructive energies and of making a mistake during work.
Magical trip to the Błatnia mountain
We will take you on a journey to a unique place. Among the forests and on top of the mountain Błatnia there is a clearing that has something magical about it. It is a place where negative thoughts and difficult matters melt away like clouds in the sky. We will set off from the car park in Jaworze, following off-trail forest paths, we will walk up Błatnia. At the top there is a viewpoint where you can see the Beskids Mountains – Silesian, Żywiecki, Little and with good weather, the Tatra Mountains. The journey itself will be a form of meditation in nature. Walking up and going back down will take about 3 hours of hiking.
8 – 11.06.2023, 10.00 – 13.00, 15.00 – 18.00
we start on 08.06. (Thu) at. 10:00 am
We finish on 11.06. (Sun) at 5:00 pm
Akama Macrobiotic Center, ul. Buczyna 769, 43-391 Mazańcowice near Bielsko-Biała (8 minutes from the center of Bielitz)
Healthy, vegan meals are prepared by our friend Aleksandra Kos, who is an expert and teacher with many years of experience in fields of the macrobiotics, The “Five Elements” Theory of Chinese Cooking. All meals are made from high quality local organic crops and products. Healthy food helps sustain a high vibrational state that is why we are really taking care of our bodies.
360 €, reservation of a place by paying an advance payment of 100 €
It is possible to stay overnight at the AKAMA training room for a small fee.
Recommended accommodation in Bielsko-Biała: Hello Hostel, Mickiewicza 40,
43-300 Bielsko-Biała, Tel. +48 790 323 680
For this long spring weekend, there may be problems with short-term accommodation in Bielsko-Biała at the last minute. We recommend booking now!

Slawomir Sówka, Ph.D.
Gong master, Kundalini Yoga teacher, practitioner and teacher of subtle energy healing (aka Spiritual Healing) and meditation with practices in Vienna, Austria and Bielitz, Poland, 12 years of project management in allergy and cancer research (Vienna, Zurich, New York), numerous scientific publications (allergology), his encounter with gong master Don Conreaux in a New Yorker café became the starting point of 20 years of working with the diversity of the gong sounds and their effects on the human energy system, rhythm, improvisation, overtone singing and subtle energy healing, two own CD recordings, leads gong trainings, gong baths, Gong Yoga, intuition trainings, family constellations (trained with Lorenz Wiest & Bert Hellinger) and individual sessions in Austria, Ireland, Italy, Germany and Poland, his natural, strong connection to the soul since early childhood allows him to support others in their development.

Dariusz Małojło
I support people to improve their well-being and to be more alive, using breathwork, intuition and somatic work. I am the founder of DMCO Breathwork and the creator of DM Breath Ceremony, a mentor of Biodynamic Breath & Trauma Release System® Practitioner Certification Trainings and a certified practitioner of the BBTRS® system. I love being in contact with nature and enjoying it. This is my real home. A home where I can meditate and breathe fully. I love to dance and spend time with my loved ones.
E: info@inside-out.academy; T: +43 (0) 699 12271006
Dariusz Małojło
E: kontakt@dariuszmalojlo.pl; T: +48 606-104-459
The number of participants is limited. To make a reservation, we ask you to sign up and to transfer Ę 360 to: Slawomir Sowka, account: IBAN: AT43 1100 0105 9063 2500, BIC: BKAUATWW, in the dedication field “camp”.
Cancellation conditions:
— No cancellation fee up to 21 days before the start of the seminar
— from the 21st day 30%
— from the 14th day 50%
— with the consent of the seminar leader, in the case of sick leave, the seminar can be attended at one of the next dates.
E: info@inside-out.academy
T: +43 (0) 699 12271006
Dariusz Małojło
E: kontakt@dariuszmalojlo.pl
T: +48 606-104-459
The number of participants is limited. To make a reservation, we ask you to sign up and to transfer €360 to: Slawomir Sowka, account: IBAN: AT43 1100 0105 9063 2500, BIC: BKAUATWW, in the dedication field “camp”.
Cancellation conditions:
— No cancellation fee up to 21 days before the start of the seminar
— from the 21st day 30%
— from the 14th day 50%
— with the consent of the seminar leader, in the case of sick leave, the seminar can be attended at one of the next dates.