Gong Training Advanced, Bielsko-Biała / Poland

advanced work with the the true Self and gong . energetic protection. gong puja . gong and voice .
for gong players and everyone who completed the Gong Training Basic
early bird until January 5th 2024
• Making the effects of sound journeys and sound meditations more deep and sustainable
• Safe journeying & energetic protection for gong players & sound healing practitioners
• Combining gong and voice in sound healing
• Yoga nidra
• Creating unique events with gongs, trance journeys, light body meditations and yoga nidra
• Overtone singing – more techniques
• Learning effective sound healing methods to harmonize body, mind and soul
• Creative visualization with the gong; Visualizing in theta state, receptive and active visualizing, essential factors, dealing with difficulties
• Light body meditations that deepen the connection and communication with your true Self
• Subtle energy healing with the gong
• create spaces for creative processes with gongs, structured exercises for practical intuition
• Healing states in sound healing, subtle energy healing and meditation
• Improvisation with gongs and other instruments in small groups
Every gong player has a unique gift to people and nature that makes him or her unique. However, in order to give heart-warming gong baths and sound journeys, there is a number of topics and skills that can be deepened.
The experience of pure awareness with gongs, based on the contact with the true Self, our true nature, often affects participants for days, sometimes weeks. At the latest during the Gong Puja, which we do as part of the advanced training, everyone has the experience of pure consciousness….
In pure consciousness, an intuitive space is created in which you can develop your intuitive skills in order to broaden the horizon of your answers and solutions for everyday life questions. You can initiate your individual intuitive state better and use it more for your work.
In a time full of pressure to perform and growing mental exhaustion, collective addiction to intensity and speed, this training is an invitation to feel and nourish yourself, to protect your life and take care of yourself. As sound healing practitioners, we have the extraordinary task and duty to open these spaces to our fellow human beings.
In Gong Training Advanced we work on making the effect of our gong baths, sound journeys and meditatons even more sustainable. We use new elements, especially from the light body process, to build up an energy field together, in which we experience transformation, healing and purification and do advanced exercises for our healing powers, intuition and energetic protection.
Another focus of this advanced training is the connection between gong and voice, which we will approach through a series of exciting exercises. With the combination of the gong sounds and the voice, the most expressive of our instruments, we create an even more powerful sound experience. Let’s be surprised
We are also happy to mention that in recent years many wonderful people have completed our gong trainings and a growing number of gong players and sound healing practitioners are active in different countries. Now it’s time to raise our common field further, to have fun and to draw from the divine and from nature with full hands at the Weissensee lake and in our group!

Slawomir Sówka, Ph.D.
Gong master, Kundalini Yoga teacher, practitioner and teacher of subtle energy healing (aka Spiritual Healing) and meditation with practices in Vienna, Austria and Bielitz, Poland, 12 years of project management in allergy and cancer research (Vienna, Zurich, New York), numerous scientific publications (allergology), his encounter with gong master Don Conreaux in a New Yorker café became the starting point of 20 years of working with the diversity of the gong sounds and their effects on the human energy system, rhythm, improvisation, overtone singing and subtle energy healing, two own CD recordings, leads gong trainings, gong baths, Gong Yoga, intuition trainings, family constellations (trained with Lorenz Wiest & Bert Hellinger) and individual sessions in Austria, Ireland, Italy, Germany and Poland, his natural, strong connection to the soul since early childhood allows him to support others in their development.
E: info@inside-out.academy,
T: +48 500 592 268, +43 699 1227 1006
The number of participants is limited. To make a reservation, we ask you to sign up and to transfer 480 € / 580 € to: Slawomir Sowka, account: IBAN: AT43 1100 0105 9063 2500, BIC: BKAUATWW, in the reference field “advanced”.
Cancellation conditions:
— No cancellation fee up to 21 days before the start of the seminar
— from the 21st day 30%
— from the 14th day 50%
— with the consent of the seminar leader, in the case of sick leave, the seminar can be attended at one of the next dates.
January 27th – 31st 2024
10 am – 1 pm & 3 pm – 6 pm
We start on January 27th, 10 am and end on January 31st 5 pm
Akama Macrobiotic Center, ul. Buczyna 769, 43-391 Mazańcowice near Bielsko-Biała (8 minutes from the center of Bielsko-Biala)
Healthy, vegan meals are prepared by our friend Aleksandra Kos, who is an expert and teacher with many years of experience in fields of the macrobiotics, The “Five Elements” Theory of Chinese Cooking. All meals are made from high quality local organic crops and products. Healthy food helps sustain a high vibrational state that is why we are really taking care of our bodies.
early bird with payment before December 7th 480 €, later 580 €
January 27th – 31st 2024
10 am – 1 pm & 3 pm – 6 pm
We start on January 27th at 10 am and end on 31st at 5 pm.
Akama Macrobiotic Center, ul. Buczyna 769, 43-391 Mazańcowice near Bielsko-Biała (8 minutes from the center of Bielsko-Biala)
Healthy, vegan meals are prepared by our friend Aleksandra Kos, who is an expert and teacher with many years of experience in fields of the macrobiotics, The “Five Elements” Theory of Chinese Cooking. All meals are made from high quality local organic crops and products. Healthy food helps sustain a high vibrational state that is why we are really taking care of our bodies.
early bird with payment before December 7th 480 €, later 580 €
E: info@inside-out.academy
T: +48 500 592 268, +43 699 1227 1006
The number of participants is limited. To make a reservation, we ask you to sign up and to transfer € 480 / € 580 to: Slawomir Sowka, account: IBAN: AT43 1100 0105 9063 2500, BIC: BKAUATWW, in the reference field “advanced”.
Cancellation conditions:
— No cancellation fee up to 21 days before the start of the seminar
— from the 21st day 30%
— from the 14th day 50%
— with the consent of the seminar leader, in the case of sick leave, the seminar can be attended at one of the next dates.