Our Team
![Slawomir Sówka](https://inside-out.academy/wp-content/uploads/slwwomir_Sowka_1.jpg)
Slawomir Sówka
Gong master, Kundalini Yoga teacher, practitioner and teacher of subtle energy healing (aka Spiritual Healing) with practices in Vienna, Austria and Bielitz, Poland…
![Izabela Wołowiec](https://inside-out.academy/wp-content/uploads/izabela_wolowiec_behandlung1-e1365796486397.jpg)
Izabela Wołowiec
Freelance painter, energetics and gong player, years of collaboration with Don Conreuax…
![Thomas Kaggl](https://inside-out.academy/wp-content/uploads/thomas_kaggl.jpg)
Thomas Kaggl
Masseur, gong master, has been working in the health and wellness sector for 23 years…
![Adrian Mandrak](https://inside-out.academy/wp-content/uploads/DSC6087-Enhanced-NR.jpg)
Adrian Mandrak
Jego pasją życiową jest praca z energiami, co odkrył już we wczesnym dzieciństwie.
![Dariusz Małojło](https://inside-out.academy/wp-content/uploads/darek_notka_260.jpg)
Dariusz Małojło
Supports others in their search for a deeper connection to themselves, to their own needs…
![Marion Schiffer](https://inside-out.academy/wp-content/uploads/Marion-Schiffer.jpg)
Marion Schiffer
Gong player, certified Singing bowl massage practitioner and sound meditation practitioner.
Slawomir Sówka, Ph.D.
Gong master, Kundalini Yoga teacher, practitioner and teacher of subtle energy healing (aka Spiritual Healing) and meditation with practices in Vienna, Austria and Bielitz, Poland, 12 years of project management in allergy and cancer research (Vienna, Zurich, New York), numerous scientific publications (allergology), his encounter with gong master Don Conreaux in a New Yorker café became the starting point of 20 years of working with the diversity of the gong sounds and their effects on the human energy system, rhythm, improvisation, overtone singing and subtle energy healing, two own CD recordings, leads gong trainings, gong baths, Gong Yoga, intuition trainings, family constellations (trained with Lorenz Wiest & Bert Hellinger) and individual sessions in Austria, Ireland, Italy, Germany and Poland, his natural, strong connection to the soul since early childhood allows him to support others in their development.
Izabela Wołowiec
Freelance painter, energetic therapist and gong player, years of collaboration with Don Conreuax, deals with a variety of healing modalities, lives in Blelitz in southern Poland and the magical artists' town of Kazimierz Dolny, south of Warsaw.
Thomas Kaggl
Masseur, gong master, has been working in the health and wellness sector for 23 years, educated in various massage techniques, energy and alternative healing methods, sound therapy, Kundalini Yoga, meditation, relaxation & mindfulness exercises, strong intuitive abilities and closeness to nature
Adrian Mandrak
Od tamtej pory Adrian poświęca się grze na gongach, odkrywając ich potencjał terapeutyczny i transformacyjny dla siebie i innych. Szkolony przez dr. Sławomira Sówkę, poszerza swoje horyzonty nie tylko poprzez grę na instrumentach, ale także praktykując Kundalini Jogę, medytacje i sesje oddechowe. Jest w trakcie Kursu Nauczycielskiego Kundalini Jogi.
W jego ofercie znajdziecie regularne kąpiele w dźwiękach gongów, całonocne pudże, oraz sesje indywidualne. Jest menedżerem w Holistycznym Centrum Zdrowia Soul & Body Up w Bielsku-Białej.
Podczas swoich wydarzeń oferuje możliwość głębokiej przebudowy poprzez dźwięk i wibrację, zapraszając innych do odkrycia własnej drogi duchowej i harmonii z samym sobą i innymi.
Dariusz Małojło
Supports others in their search for a deeper connection to themselves, to their own needs, to the ecstatic in harmony with the inner voice - through breath and body work, through intuition, through letting go of emotions and dream work. He is the founder of DMCO Breathwork, mentor and certified practitioner of BBTRS® - Biodynamic Breath & Trauma Release System. He works as Lead Facilitator with the Integral Body Institute Foundation and Biodynamic Breath & Trauma Release Foundation, e.g. within the framework of the Ukraine Trauma – Resilience Project.
Marion Schiffer
Gong player, certified singing bowl massage practitioner and sound meditation practitioner.
Through her connection to the higher self, she opens and holds space for others to regain their trust, to remember the true essence of being and to experience themselves again as a creative part of the whole.
Practice in 1150 Vienna for individual sessions and group evenings.